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Syngonium White Allusion

Original price was: ₹349.00.Current price is: ₹149.00.

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SKU: Syngonium Category:

These indoor vines are high on the easy-care plant list as they are incredibly tolerant of low light and are perfect for beginners! Learn how to care for this gorgeous indoor vine!


Although these plants are low-light tolerant, they will grow faster and maintain their vibrant coloring and markings if grown in medium to bright indirect light. Direct sun will scorch their leaves. Syngonium can also be grown under artificial light sources if your space is light challenged. Try moving your White Butterfly Arrowhead vines closer to the light source during the winter months, and remember to rotate your plants every time you water them or attend to them, to encourage a full-bodied plant!


Allow these indoor plants to dry out partially between watering. If left dry for too long, the lower leaves will dry up and turn brown. If this happens, soak the soil and let the plant re-hydrate. If the soil stays wet for extended periods, the leaves will turn yellow or brown. The soil becomes waterlogged when a plant is over-watered, preventing oxygen from reaching the roots. This bog-like condition of the soil is a perfect breeding pond for bacteria and disease. This is meant to scare you away from over-watering!


We recommend using a soil mixture rich in organic matter but allows for good drainage and is light and loose. Most bagged potting soil will be fine for your arrowhead vine but avoid potting mixes that contain moisture retaining crystals. They can keep the soil wet for long periods, which can cause root damage.


Arrowhead Vines will grow in most household temperatures ranging from 60-80°F. They do not like the temps to drop below 50℉. Keep them away from drafts and doorways during the winter months.


Average household humidity of 40-50% is adequate for these indoor vines, but most houseplants benefit from humidity over 60% if you can provide it.


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